Çerez Örnek



  For the safety, security, comfort, and well-being of everyone, residents must abide by the rules and regulations that are listed below:

    1. Male residents cannot enter the female residents’ buildings as well as female residents cannot enter the male residents’ buildings.
    2. The guests can’t stay at the rooms.
    3. It is forbidden to damage walls, doors, and other inventories at the village.
    4. Smoking, alcohol consumption (beer included), drugs and gambling in student village rooms are forbidden.
    5. Storing and possession of hazardous items such as weapon, explosive devices, firearms or fireworks that can cause harm to student village’s property, is strictly prohibited.
    6. Any actions that may cause damage to the student village’s property such as removal, alteration or modification of the furniture are strictly forbidden.
    7. Do not put immoral pictures or posters on the wall.
    8. Do not keep liquid, spoilable, and fragrant foods into your wardrobes.
    9. Be polite and respectful to your roommate and the other people in the dormitory, and please don’t make noise.
    10. Keep your rooms clean.
    11. Don’t feed pets in the village.
    12. Please show your Student Village Identity Card to the security and staff in occasions required.
    13. It is forbidden to enter to the village after the ordinary time specified by the management. (Weekdays and Sundays 00:30; Fridays, Saturdays and Official Holidays 02:00)
    14. Department manager can change your room if it is necessary.
    15. Residents shall not violate any other rules established by the Student Village Management.
    16. The residents, who want to end their stay in the dormitory, should inform the management 7 days earlier than the departure day. They should pass their request by filling a “Certain Departure Form”.
    17. Accommodation dues for the current month must be paid by the 20th of previous month and must be deposited in the bank account of the dormitory at “Vakıflar Bank” in the campus. The bank account is “158007287562187”. The rates are 6000 TL for a double room per person. The rates are based on monthly payments.
    18. Please obey the rules.

Thank you for your consideration 
The Student Village Management


Ege Üniversitesi